Advisory Team
Mr Mervyn Cragg
Mr Cragg has been working in Asia in the corporate finance and accounting fields for over 25 years both in public practice and the private sector and has been specifically involved in assignments in Indonesia since the mid 1980's. He has been actively involved in negotiating mining related deals for the past 8 years.
Mr Cragg is currently a non-executive director at a general insurance company, Federal Phoenix Assurance Corp., where he is chairman of the Executive and Audit Committees, and the CFO of a China based gold mining and exploration group which is quoted on the OTCBB in the USA. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, a Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, a Member of the Chartered Securities & Investment Institute, UK and a Member of the Hong Kong Securities Institute.
Mr Li Kai Wen
Mr Li joined the Company since 2007 and has played a significant role in the strategic formulation for the Company's entire engineering plan. He was instrumental to the Feasibility Study of the Company's S Tuboh project from its beginning to completion. Mr Li was the former Chief Engineer of Mining & Metallurgy Bureau of China Nuclear Industry Group (中国核工业集团公司矿冶局), well known expert in the mining industry of China.
Graduated from Zhongnan University (中南大学), Mr Li has been engaged in production and has also undertaken scientific research and design along with the technical management of projects. He has published academic thesis and books in excess of 3 million characters and received a number of awards by the National Defence Technology (国防科技奖). In 2004, he received the second prize of Advance of China National Technology Award (中国国家科技进步二等奖).
Currently, Mr Li is the Deputy Secretary General of United Association of China Mining Industry (中国矿业联合协会), Executive Director of China Association of Engineering Explosion (中国工程爆破协会), Technical Advisor of China Export and Import Bank (中国进出口银行), appointed expert of China International Engineering Consulting Corporation (中国国际工程咨询公司), Technical Advisor of China Nuclear Jinyuan Uranium Corporation and China Nuclear Overseas Uranium Corporation (中国核工业金源铀业公司、海外铀业公司), guest professor of China Nanhua University (中国南华大学).